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OUR SERVICE from simple to complete

Forming company formations in Germany is not without it’s legal  responsibilities and countless energy can be spent  lost in the bureaucracy of company laws and  regulations.   The good news is that it’s not difficult to achieve  this if you have the right know how.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner fadein=“yes“ position=“bottom“ width=“1/3″][jeg_singleimage size=“9″ image=“1120″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner fadein=“yes“ position=“left“ width=“1/3″][jeg_spacing size=“30″][vc_column_text]

WE CAN DELIVER a ready to use company

We can  provide specialist advice from our network of tax  consultants, lawers, media experts and corporate  consultants. Unlike our competitors everything is  taken care of right down to marketing and sales. Let the  experts at Company Place unravel the red tape so  you can focus on growing your business[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][jeg_hr][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/6″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=“2/3″][vc_column_text]

OUR Packages includes:

Exploration and identification of all legal possibilities, in order to start the desired business  
Ready to go „Bottom-Down-Proposals“ for the smoothest and fastest ways to start business in Germany
Complete communication with german authorities – as far as legally possible  
Preparation of all necessary documents and
Post-Registration Follow-up Service

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/6″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][jeg_spacing size=“30″][jeg_button url=“#features“ text=“Check our SERVICE“][jeg_spacing size=“30″][jeg_hr][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row section_top_margin=“doubletopmargin“ section_bottom_margin=“doublebottommargin“ section_schema=“light“ section_background=“parallaxbg“ parallax_enable_1=“yes“ parallax_background_1=“center“ parallax_cover_1=“yes“ parallax_speed_1=“300″ section_name=“Who we are“ parallax_overlay=“rgba(0,0,0,0.35)“ parallax_image_1=“1116″][vc_column][jeg_heading title=“Companyplace“ alt=“Holistic solutions from one place“][jeg_service_block_wrapper itemwidth=“2″][jeg_service_block_item icon=“fa-share-alt“ title=“WHAT we do“ desc=“Companyplace goes beyond simply selling you a company. Whether you would like to establish a small company and start trading immediately or to set up a successful multinational enterprise with head offices in Germany Companyplace can make it happen! Browse through your options in the Company Administration section to choose from a simple company formation arrangement to a fully administered package including commercial premises, internet site, shop systems, recruitment and retail opportunities, marketing and real estate solutions.“][jeg_service_block_item icon=“fa-sitemap“ title=“WHO we are“ desc=“Companyplace is a conjunction of experienced management consultants, economic advisors and a broad network of expert partners – which have more than 30 years of experience in foundation, administration and expansion of companies in Germany. Our highly professional network is the result of years of collaboration and careful selection to ensure that all our partners share our high standards of quality and commercial philosophy. Take advantage of our company formation packages and the extensive after-care services Companyplace provide through our network of expert partners. Everything you require is available direct via Companyplace“][/jeg_service_block_wrapper][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row section_top_margin=“doubletopmargin“ section_bottom_margin=“doublebottommargin“ section_background=“color“ section_id=“agents“ section_name=“Agent Service“][vc_column][jeg_heading title=“Agent service – From simple to complete“ alt=“Our service commitment to you We aim to provide you with a clear, comprehensive and above all competitive price. By cutting out what you don’t need and focusing instead on what you do, we think „][jeg_singleimage size=“12″ image=“1136″][vc_empty_space][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/1″][jeg_service_block_wrapper itemwidth=“3″][jeg_service_block_item icon=“fa-check“ title=“Full client service“ desc=“Our service commitment to you:
# discreetness and uncompromising integrity
‚# transparent calculation
# no hidden costs
# after care and on- going administrative assistance
We aim to provide you with a clear, comprehensive and above all competitive price. By cutting out what you don’t need and focusing instead on what you do, we think you will agree that the price of our services speak for themselves“][jeg_service_block_item icon=“fa-check“ title=“Full agent service“ desc=“We at companyplace believe in service as the key to successful business. Establishing a company in Germany is more than just a price tag. We guide our clients through the complete process – before and after. You can expect a clear and open communication as well as a transparent and confidential handling of your offer. Absolute discreetness and uncompromising integrity are the fundamdentals of our business connections. Nervetheless you might have questions, we are happy to answer them. Please don´t hesitate to contact us.“][jeg_service_block_item icon=“fa-check“ title=“Holistic solutions from one place“ desc=“Whether you would like to establish a small company and start trading immediately or to set up a successful multinational enterprise with head offices in Germany Companyplace can make it happen! Browse through your options in the „What we offer“ section to choose from a simple company formation arrangement to a fully administered package including commercial premises, internet site, shop systems, recruitment and retail opportunities, marketing and real estate solutions.“][/jeg_service_block_wrapper][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row section_top_margin=“doubletopmargin“ section_bottom_margin=“doublebottommargin“ section_schema=“light“ section_background=“parallaxbg“ parallax_enable_1=“yes“ parallax_background_1=“center“ parallax_cover_1=“yes“ parallax_speed_1=“300″ section_id=“features“ section_name=“Our Service“ parallax_overlay=“rgba(0,0,0,0.85)“ parallax_image_1=“1094″][vc_column][jeg_heading title=“OUR SERVICE“ alt=“ “The solution depends on your vision- not the other way round” „][jeg_service_icon_wrapper itemwidth=“3″][jeg_service_icon_item icon=“fa-cogs“ title=“Full service“ desc=“Exploration and identification of all legal possibilities, in order • to start the desired business • Ready to go „Bottom-Down- Proposals„ for the smoothest and • fastest ways to start business in Germany • Complete communication with german authorities – as far as • legally possible • Preparation of all necessary documents and Post-Registration • Follow-up Service“][jeg_service_icon_item icon=“fa-tachometer“ title=“Administration“ desc=“Our service doesen’t need to stop once your company has been set up. Should you require further guidance or assistance we can take care of all the administrative aspects related to your company’s annual accounting obligations including: • Preliminary turnover tax return • Annual financial statement • Tax return • Financial transparency obligations • Payroll • Voucher accounting“][jeg_service_icon_item icon=“fa-road“ title=“Real Estate“ desc=“Your company requires a registered German business address in order to operate but the scale of this is again up to you. Do you want a small German branch office; a large headquarters; retail premises; or factory, warehausing and logistics solutions?“][jeg_service_icon_item icon=“fa-road“ title=“Merchandising“ desc=“Does your company need an e-commerce store, physical retail outlet or large scale logistics and distribution centre? We can help you make sure your products get to the right marketplace with a tailor made solution that best suits your needs“][jeg_service_icon_item icon=“fa-road“ title=“Recruitment“ desc=“Once you have established your company in Germany you will probably want to recruit at least some local staff. Once again Companyplace can advise you no matter if you need access to temporary or freelance help, full-time staff, or management candidates. We work closely together with local recruiters, consultants and headhunters to guarantee you the best Germany has to offer – its people.“][jeg_service_icon_item icon=“fa-leaf“ title=“Registration“ desc=“Every company needs to be fiscally registered before it can start trading in Germany and Company Place can be the interface between you and the authorities. We can provide: • Bank account with a major German bank • Tax registration • Commercial registration • VAT number • Application for special concessions“][jeg_service_icon_item icon=“fa-globe“ title=“Registered office“ desc=“In order to operate legally every company is required to have a registered location within Germany. Profit from Company Place’s experience to establish your company the way you want it. From virtual office to fully staffed headquarters, just ask us – we will fit the solution to your needs: • Virtual office • Office community • Retail outlet • Headquarters • Call center“][/jeg_service_icon_wrapper][jeg_button url=“#show“ text=“Check our Packages“][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row section_id=“show“ section_name=“Start company in germany“][vc_column][jeg_heading title=“We will provide you with an offer designed to serve your needs“ alt=“Just tell us what you want to do and we guide you through Germany´s administrative barriers“][TS_VCSC_Circle_Steps_Container circle_position=“top“ mobile_small=“647″ automatic_rotation=“true“ automatic_color=“#cccccc“ automatic_hover=“false“ circle_radius=“100″ circle_strength=“5″ circle_color=“#cccccc“ circle_back=“#f7f7f7″ circle_padding=“17″ circle_margin=“50″ size_normal=“75″ size_selected=“128″ size_icon=“50″ icon_color_active=“#d63838″ icon_back_active=“#fff782″ icon_border_active=“#d63838″ icon_shadow_active=“rgba(0,0,0,0.25)“ icon_back_hover=“#f7f7f7″ icon_shadow_hover=“rgba(0,0,0,0.25)“ tooltipster_allow=“false“ scroll_nice=“true“][TS_VCSC_Circle_Steps_Item step_icon=“fa fa-check-square-o“ icon_color_default=“#cccccc“ icon_back_default=“#ffffff“ icon_shadow_default=“rgba(99,99,99,0.25)“ title_color=“#4e4e4e“ title_weight=“normal“ content_color=“#6c6c6c“ hash_id=“step-1500581403724-923406″ step_title=“ Select a Standard – Package „][/TS_VCSC_Circle_Steps_Item][TS_VCSC_Circle_Steps_Item step_icon=“fa fa-calendar-check-o“ icon_color_default=“#cccccc“ icon_back_default=“#ffffff“ icon_shadow_default=“rgba(99,99,99,0.25)“ title_color=“#4e4e4e“ title_weight=“normal“ content_color=“#6c6c6c“ hash_id=“step-1500581528971-863915″ step_title=“ Pick add-on benefits“][/TS_VCSC_Circle_Steps_Item][TS_VCSC_Circle_Steps_Item step_icon=“fa fa-bar-chart“ icon_color_default=“#cccccc“ icon_back_default=“#ffffff“ icon_shadow_default=“rgba(99,99,99,0.25)“ title_color=“#4e4e4e“ title_weight=“normal“ content_color=“#6c6c6c“ hash_id=“step-1500581527854-540351″ step_title=“Start your business in Germany“][/TS_VCSC_Circle_Steps_Item][/TS_VCSC_Circle_Steps_Container][TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Container tabs_spacing=“1″ tabs_fontsize=“19″ tabs_iconsize=“23″ tabs_preloader=“0″ tooltipster_allow=“false“ tabs_theme=“pws_theme_gold“ tab_contid=“51b5ea2c-4684-10″][TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Single icon=“fa fa-cog“ title=“Simple Package“ tab_id=“1500538811299-7″ padding=“padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;“][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/2″][TS_VCSC_Info_Notice panel_layout=“notice“ panel_type=“success“ panel_icon=“fa fa-angle-right“ panel_title=“Set-up kit“ font_title_family=“Default:regular“ font_content_family=“Default:regular“]Everything you need to set up your business in Germany – nothing more, nothing less:

  • Entry in the commercial register
  • On-site service
  • Minimum venture capital of 1 EUR (only ug)
  •  Notary fees

[/TS_VCSC_Info_Notice][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/2″][vc_toggle title=“Recommended Add-on“ open=“true“ use_custom_heading=“true“]

  • Bank account
  • Company registration process
  • Virtual office
  • Tax registration
  • Opening balance

[/vc_toggle][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Single][TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Single icon=“fa fa-chrome“ title=“Full Package“ tab_id=“1500538811804-0″ padding=“padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;“][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/2″][TS_VCSC_Info_Notice panel_layout=“notice“ panel_type=“success“ panel_icon=“fa fa-angle-right“ panel_title=“Start-up kit“ font_title_family=“Default:regular“ font_content_family=“Default:regular“]Start your business including:

  • Entry in the commercial register
  • On-site service
  • Minimum capital of 1 EUR (only ug)
  • Tax registration / VAT registration*
  • Virtual office (for VAT registration)
  • Notary fees
  • Opening of a bank account (personal presence and  clear business dealing may be required)
  • Opening balance (necessary component for the start of operations*)

[/TS_VCSC_Info_Notice][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=“1/2″][vc_toggle title=“Recommended Add-on“ open=“true“ use_custom_heading=“true“]

  • Financial Service
  • Virtual office Service


*We do not provide services in the field of tax advice and virtual office. This service is provided by our system partners and will be contracted separatly. In order to form a GmbH, the minimum venture capital is 25,000 EUR. In order to form a ug (haftungsbeschränkt)[/vc_toggle][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Single][TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Single icon=“fa fa-align-justify“ title=“Add-on Benefits“ tab_id=“1500582726933-2-0″ padding=“padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;“][TS_VCSC_Info_Notice panel_layout=“notice“ panel_type=“success“ panel_icon=“fa fa-angle-right“ panel_title=“Start-up kit“ font_title_family=“Default:regular“ font_content_family=“Default:regular“]

Financial Service 

  • Accounting (12 months incl. interim VAT return)
  • Voucher accounting /Balances / Pay roll / Financial transparency obligations
  • Annual financial statement (once in the accounting period of the year of formation)*

Virtual office service

  • Extended virtual office service
  • Postal forwarding  (Germany and foreign countries)
  • Real-estate services (office, storage, etc.)
  • Service on location with representatives foreign languages

Long Distance Service 

  • Bank opening process

We cooperate with globally acting bank institutes, such as Commerzbank and Bank of China. Depending on clients wishes, we provide new companies or ready- made companies with international accessible bank accounts

  • Company registration process

Our long distance service realizes your intention- our client doesn´t need to travel to Germany – no matter if a purchase or registration of a company is desired

[/TS_VCSC_Info_Notice][/TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Single][TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Single icon=“fa fa-cart-plus“ title=“Pricing“ tab_id=“1500583600152-3-9″ padding=“padding-top:0px;padding-right:0px;padding-bottom:0px;padding-left:0px;“][TS_VCSC_Info_Notice panel_layout=“notice“ panel_type=“success“ panel_icon=“fa fa-angle-right“ panel_title=“Our Prices“ font_title_family=“Default:regular“ font_content_family=“Default:regular“]

Fast, cheap and complete

We aim to provide you with a clear, comprehensive and above all  competitive price. By cutting out what you don’t need and instead  focusing on what you do, we think you will agree that the price of our  services speak for themselves.


We offer you:   

  • a transparent calculation – no hidden costs
  • a calculation in your interest – you pay only for services you actually need


Establishing your company in Germany couldn’t be easier, there are no hidden costs. If the thought of planning your new venture in Germany  seems too daunting please do not hesitate to contact us. Our network  of experts will create a clear and comprehensive project overview so  that you can concentrate on making your business a success[/TS_VCSC_Info_Notice][/TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Single][/TS_VCSC_Fancy_Tabs_Container][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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